Monday, November 16, 2009

Paranormal Activity

This first one is a softball. If you like-a the scary movies, you're going to want to see Paranormal Activity, in a theatre, with other people. And, if possible, you're going to want to have someone to go home with, although it won't matter. It can still get you if it wants.

I happened to see PA while on a trip with friends. We shared an adjoining suite and stayed up a-waaay past our bedtimes, so there wasn't much time between head hitting pillow and falling asleep. But my dreams were troubled. And when, like all good things do, the trip concluded and I returned to my apartment alone there was a reckoning. But, like the Blair Witch Project, the torment eventually subsided. And luckily I don't a) have hollow, thunky wooden floors, b) live in a two-story home, or c) have a long hallway leading to the closet with the crawlspace hatch. Shiver.

Sleep tight.

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